Urinary Tract infections (UTI’s) are considered to be one of the most common human bacterial infections second only to respiratory infections. Women are especially prone to UTI’s, 1 in 5 will develop a UTI during her lifetime. The incidence of UTI’s increases with the presence of diabetes, malformations of the urinary tract system as well as with age. UTI’s are also the most common nonsocial infections mostly linked to urethral catheters and invasive diagnostic procedures. see more
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2 – Russo I. et al. (Microbiology Laboratory, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy), “Evaluation of Automated Bacteriuria Screening System in Samples Collected in the Presence of Bacteriostatic Substances”, Poster, 8th ECCMID, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 25-28,1997.
3 – Schiller RA (Mic Inst Charitè, Berlin, Germany) Evaluation of an Automated Bacteriuria Screening System 9 th ECCMID 1999
4 – L. Ricci (Laboratory of Microbiology A.O.S.M. Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy) “L’automazione delle urinocolture nuovi percorsi diagnostici ed organizzativi ” SIMPIOS, Grado, 7-9 April 2008.
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